Welcome to ParticleBites! This is a new blog reviewing recent papers in theoretical and experimental particle physics. Our bloggers are graduate students and postdocs working in high energy physics.
ParticleBites grew out of the Communicating Science 2013 workshop, hosted by our friends at AstroBites. Another recent “Bites” blog growing out of that workshop is OceanBites.
As with the other “Science Bites” sites, our goal is to condense current research papers into one-page posts that are accessible to undergraduates and the science-minded general public.
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Flip Tanedo
Assistant Professor at University of California, Riverside
Flip is an assistant professor in theoretical physics at the University of California, Riverside. He previousy completed a Bachelors of Science at Stanford, Masters degrees at Cambridge and the IPPP in Durham, and a Ph.D at Cornell. He has been supported by a Goldwater scholarship, a Marshall scholarship, an NSF Gradaute Research Fellowship, a Paul & Daisy Soros fellowship, and a UCI Chancellor's ADVANCE fellowship. He was a participant in the original Communicating Science 2013 workshop which led to the creation of ParticleBites. His research focuses on models and signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model, including dark matter, supersymmetry, and extra dimensions. Much of his creative thinking is done while swimming or driving along Southern California's freeways.
Latest posts by Flip Tanedo (see all)
- The Delirium over Beryllium - August 25, 2016
- What is “Model Building”? - August 18, 2016
- Respecting your “Elders” - June 17, 2016