Front Page (postgrid)

This is post #2 of a three-part series on the Muon g-2 experiment. Check out Amara McCune’s post on the
This is post #1 of a three-part series on the Muon g-2 experiment. April 7th is an eagerly anticipated day.
In Part I of the series we saw how dark matter could cause mass extinction by inducing biosphere-wide cancer, stirring
Article Title: "FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC" Authors: The FASER Collaboration  Reference: When the LHC starts up
We might not have gotten here without dark matter. It was the gravitational pull of dark matter, which makes up
Generic searches in proton collisions: Because (theoretical) imagination shouldn't be the limit.
How would you describe dark matter in one word? Mysterious? Ubiquitous? Massive? Theorists often try to settle the question in
Title: “A Strong No-Go Theorem on Wigner’s Friend Paradox.” Author: Kok-Wei Bong et al. Reference:  There’s one thing nearly
Article Title: ABCDisCo: Automating the ABCD Method with Machine Learning Authors: Gregor Kasieczka, Benjamin Nachman, Matthew D. Schwartz, David Shih
This is from arXiv:2009.04476 [hep-th] Inside the Hologram: Reconstructing the bulk observer's experience   The holographic principle in high energy


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